Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Colombia's "human rights"

Sourth America's oldest democracy, Colombia is also one of the most violent places on earth. The most problematic thing in Colombia is the Civil war which started in 1978 and is still going this day. The Colombia army when trying to stop and capture guerrillas they kill many inosent people that are in the way of their goal. People in the streets are more involved in violence that the military or the guerrilla, the civilians are killed everyday. Because of many human right like murder and turture of 4 presidents, 1200 police officers and much more political entities in colombia and no action been take to defend the civilians, they themself, they creat groups of people which fight to defend their human rights. The U.S. have given more than 3.7 billion dollars for the for the civil war which is still going and have no end date yet.

"Violations of international humanitarian law—the laws of war—are not abstract concepts in Colombia, but the grim material of everyday life."

Monday, March 10, 2008

Belief system

There is not really a “belief system”, this country has religious freedom but also states that the State "is not atheist or agnostic, nor indifferent to Colombians' religious sentiment." Religious groups are readily able to obtain recognition as organized associations, but some smaller ones face difficulty in obtaining recognition as religious entities, which is required to offer chaplaincy services in public facilities.

Based on various studies, more than 95% of the population adheres to Christianity, and the other percents are divided between Roman Catholicism and indigenous religion.


There is a lot of conflicts in Colombia, most of these are internal problems, for example there had been three civil wars in less than 100 years. This means that the most of the conflicts that this country has are internal not really a lot of external problems. Another internal problem is the “guerrilla” which is a group of rebels that go against the government, these guerrillas not only cause internal problems but they go to other countries, they cross without any authorization and establish in this places. The guerrillas caused a mayor problem for Colombia when they cross to Ecuador and they bombed them while they were in Ecuador, this created a big problem between these tow countries.


Colombia doesn't have a story of imperialism, colombia is mostly a peaceful country and does not like geating in wars or problems unless it is necessary.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Colombia in the cold war

Colombia one of the largest recipients of US counter-insurgency aid during the Cold War. In 1962 General William Yarborough headed the original US Special Forces team organise the Colombian military for counter-insurgency. He argued that a "concerted country team effort should now be made to select civilian and military personnel for clandestine training in resistance operations in case they are needed ". These paramilitary teams were to be used to perform "counter-agent and counter-propaganda functions and as necessary execute paramilitary, sabotage and/or terrorist activities against known communist proponents" and were to be "backed by the United States".

That is all i know for now if i find anything else i will post it ;D

Colombia BOMBED! Ecuadorian territory

Today: A very important new that was just published not very long ago, just one week ago was that Ecuador, and Colombia are going to war if they don't find a way to fix a discution that they have. This all started when Comolombia BOMBED! Ecuadorioan territory whithout any permition and killed 22 guerrillros (members of a little army) which scaped from Colombia to Ecuador. Because of Colombia's action, Ecuador have deceded to cut all the relations whith Colombia, they also want colombia to apologize in public for this action. The U.S is in Colombia's side for which Colombia does not think that they should be asked of war. Ecuador in the oder side is willing to end this peacefully, till this moment Colombia have not answer Ecuador's petions which have a due date before other actions are taken. The due date is Mach/11/08 if Ecuador's petions are not granted by this date, there is going to be more than just a difference.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

What i already know.

Colombia was discovered by Christopher Colombus and in 1502 In 1508, asco Nuñez de Balboa started the conquest of the territory through the region of Urabá. In 1513, he was also the first European to discover the Pacific ocean which he called Mar del Sur (or "Sea of the South") and which in fact would bring the Spaniards to Peru and Chile. This country was first name Greater Colombia and it was many countries od today in one, which were: Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Panama. The territory's main population was made up of hundreds of tribes of the Chibchan and Carib, currently known as the Caribbean people, whom the Spaniards conquered through warfare and alliances, while resulting disease and the conquest itself caused a demographic reduction among the indigenous. In the sixteenth century, Europeans began to bring slaves from Africa. Notwithstanding the country's commitment to democratic institutions, Colombia's history has been knowned by periods of widespread, violent conflict. Two civil wars resulted from bitter rivalry between the Conservative and Liberal parties. The War of a Thousand Days (1899-1902) cost an estimated 100,000 lives, and up to 300,000 people died during "La Violencia" (The Violence) of the late 1940s and 1950s.